Festival & Fairs
For Music Festivals, click HERE
Use the calculator below to check availability, estimate maximum cost, and book. You will not be charged until price is determined, approved and a contract is sent to you.
Non-Music festivals and fairs with less than 500 persons is $1800 per day, or $2800 per day up to 5500 persons. Additional $3500 damage deposit or $5000 bond required ($5000 damage deposit or $10000 bond for events over 500 people). Must supply insurance certificate naming “The Noble Ninth Inc, 89 Western Hwy, Tappan NY 10983” as additional insured.
GATE FEES: There is a fee of $3 per person through the gate, $4 PER PERSON WITH ALCOHOL-LICENSED EVENTS.
Instructions: Click the day of the event; if more than one day, click the first, then the last day on the calendar.
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